Nueva Bims, which is officially established in 2014, started operating in 2016 after long time meticulous work of creating production line in the stage of establishment.
Nueva Bims, converting the precious mine of our country “pumice” into the most natural isolated con-struction materials in its company equipped with the highest technology machines of Eu-rope, targets to sell Pumice out of the border.
The leading product of Nueva Bims, operating in the production field of heat-insulated ceramic products, fire resistant blockyard, bims block, brick, fire resistant ceramic construction products from siliceus filter soil, is the block bims. Nueva Bims, being preeminent with the production capacity of 300 thousand bims, performs hand-free production in its Nevse-hir branch.
Thanks to bims, which is one of the most important light construction elements, it’s pos-sible to construct more environmental, safer and cheap buildings.
Nueva Bims, taking part in the sector with 100% Turkish capital and raw material, takes each step that will take mine to construction with its experience, labour force, technical competence and the distributor network which is developing day by day.
Nueva Bims, operating with 7.000 m2 indoor fields and 70.000 m2 outdoor concrete fields in Nevsehir, works for more environmental construction, keeps working for our country as priority and invest for our country.
Thanks to mining operations, production field, stock field and the logistic services which operate integratedly with this system, Nueva Bims has the power to take the pumice out of soil and turn it into construction. This operation network provides cheaper and higher quali-ty Nueva Bims products.