The most important feature of Nueva Bims's pumice is that it is harder than the oth-er pumicera. In Nueva Bims, the pumice stone turns into a bim without touching, which en-sures that the produced bims are of good quality and error-free. In the best machines of the sector, there is no problem of dispersion in pumice produced pimice which is compressed with vibration.
The pumice, which is the raw material of bims , is 100% natural, does not leave tox-ic gases to nature in the stage of compression by vibration. Due to the porous nature of the pumice, it provides high level of isolation in the structures that it’s used.
With the wide logistics network, your Pumice and Bims products are under Nueva Logistics guarantee! Nueva Bims provides 360 degree- service by carrying bims produced from the top quality pumice via Nueva Logistics Service. Bims is preeminent in its sector with its production capacity, expertness and reasonable price policy.
NUEVA; The technology of mine, reaching upto sky
Bims is 100% natural, has no harm on environment.
Fire resistant material
Extra sound resolution will not be needed in structures where bims is used.
The buildings will not be heavy thanks to bims
Extra heat resolution will not be needed in structures where bims is used.
BIMS, produced from 100% natural materials, is a respectful material for the nature.