Bims’s raw material is pumice, 100% natural material. Pumice, which is ready in the nature com-pletes the manufacturing process with water and cement additive. Environmentally friendly materi-al, crystallization waterproof. It gives calmness due to its natural color.
BIM; Resistant to physical and chemical effects and long lasting. Because it is made of pumice and cement, it provides high endurance and an expansion which is close to perfection. This means extra safety for our country which is on seismic belt.
It is produced from pumice, the precious mine of Turkey
It is designed to be integrated with the product, so no need for mortar in vertical usage. The mortar is used only horizontally and also bims keeps the plaster easily . The time does not cause plaster cracks in the bims.
The most feasible material with Uniform Moulds, Interlacing System, Half and Quarter Product Alternatives and Product Diversity. Keeps the plaster easily. Does not require any special workman-ship because it is interlaced. No plaster crack.
Economical in comparison to other construction materials. Due to its transplantation it shows regional change. Due to its portability, it mainly provides cheaper cost and use of iron. It con-sumes less energy compared to other replacements.
Since the surface penetration is very good and also it has cement based raw ma-terial, all kinds of gypsum, gypsum board, ceramic etc. Products can be applied directly without plastering.